Every New Beginning Starts with an Idea! Do You Remember Yours?

Every New Beginning Starts with an Idea! Do You Remember Yours?

You are brainstorming! Something is cooking in your head! Ideas are popping in and out as fast as you can think of them but you are missing the most important link to brilliance and memory! Your head is spinning with awesome ideas and yet, you aren't using the simple tools to store your Brilliance.

Happiness Jungle Tips: Always have something with you to write down your thoughts! Pen, paper and/or a recorder! I know you are thinking, I will remember this. And sure enough, poof, it’s gone!

Trust me, you will keep having your every now and then brilliant moments and ideas! You will come up with something so good, so remarkable that it keeps you up at night again and again and again! No more wishing you did something with your brilliance. Now you will and can!

Do yourself a favor, stop the Insanity believing that you will remember it later and make yourself crazy trying so hard to remember, what the heck was it, ah man, it was so good. (sound familiar)

Happiness Jungle Solution always have paper and pen or a recorder of some kind with you at all times and as you think it, jot it down, speak it into a recorder. Your thoughts are so powerful. Why a recorder? 2 reasons, sometimes I am driving and cannot write them down and sometimes I wake up and can’t find my glasses, hahaha so the recorder comes in very handy for me. Yea, some things are junk, but then some thoughts are brilliant.

I have pad and pen on my nightstand and a small recorder (now known as my I-Phone).

Don’t be afraid that your ideas aren’t good enough, just remember for every idea and accomplishment, it started with a thought! Never give up and always go after your brilliance or else someone else will hire you and steal your brilliance to live their dreams and that just isn’t kosher! Let me re-word this to be more clearer.

Never give up and always go after your brilliance or else someone else will hire you and you will give them all your brilliance to live their dreams and that just isn’t kosher!

Go after your dreams like a Tiger scopes out his next meal. Determined and forced!

{{hugs & happiness}}


Copyright © 2018 Happiness Jungle LLC

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