Happiness Jungle – Live Life On Purpose
Life is filled with challenges. Things are happening and your world is going crazy and going through some mild or horrific storms from relationships to business to health issues. It is better to look at it for what it is. ‘What Is The Purpose’ verses ‘Why Me.’ Watch this to the end and receive all …

Be Kind To One Another
❤️ It truly is the only way to be. Kind! It’s hard to do at times, however, when we practice it all the time, it becomes natural! ? Happiness Jungle Tip: Here’s how. When it’s getting heated. 1. No name calling! ?? 2. Everyone write down on a piece of paper, *What is the most …

What Does S.E.X.Y. Have To Do With It?
You want to be S.E.X.Y.! You are going to be the most powerful sexy person on the planet. You will not need a pole for this one! S.olutions E.mpowerment X.traordinary Y.ou Stop the insanity of keeping your deepest desires hidden inside and go for it. If you get laughed at, so what. Laugh with them …

How To Become Powerful After Being Powerless
LOOK! I finally see a crack of light! Happily ever after is straight ahead! Repeat with me, I AM ready! I AM Ready to feel unstuck? I AM Ready to feel self-worth? I AM ready to learn and apply the happy facts how to get there. 1. Don’t spend any more of your moments worrying …

A New Perspective On Life, One Lump At a Time – Sugar Cubes
Just A Cube Of Sugar Helps Your World Go Round When I was a little girl in the 60’s, one of my favorite songs was, ‘Just A Spoon Full Of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Downnnnn’. I knew this was true because when I was in P.S.186 Elementary School in Queens, New York, every year …
One Roll Of Penny’s and Two Pockets Can Change Your Life
I attended an empowerment seminar where I was given a packet at the registration table. I said hello to many and than found my seat and started to go through the packet because that’s what we do. We are like children that just got a goody bag. I love stuff, don’t you? As I went …

Every New Beginning Starts with an Idea! Do You Remember Yours?
You are brainstorming! Something is cooking in your head! Ideas are popping in and out as fast as you can think of them but you are missing the most important link to brilliance and memory! Your head is spinning with awesome ideas and yet, you aren’t using the simple tools to store your Brilliance. Happiness …