The All In One First Impression. Handshake, Smile and Eye Contact!

The All In One First Impression. Handshake, Smile and Eye Contact!

When I moved to New Hampshire twelve years ago, I had to learn how to communicate with New Englanders. People were way more conservative than me or that I was used too. I did notice once they like you, you were in. But how do you get them to like and accept you?

This was my repeated question over and over again as I would scratch my head after leaving many social events. I would go to network with other like-minded people for either business or personal, but I could not get them to fully engage with me and nothing was working.

Prior to moving to New Hampshire, I lived in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida which is one of the melting pots of the world. People from all over move there. I’m originally from New York. When you come to South Florida, you fit in. Meeting new people for me is so exciting. Where I came from, most everyone loved me. I love people.

I’ve been told I have a very strong New York dominating personality. Was that the challenge? My New York personality? Maybe. So I did some self-reflecting. I realized I was scaring off more people then I was making new friends. I had to think, what would help gain people’s trust to me and be more receptive to me?

So I thought long and hard and I finally found the answer. It’s the All In One, Handshake, Smile and Eye Contact!

Take Notice if You are Shaking Someone’s Hand Properly.

A handshake can tell you a lot about a person and believe it or not, there are a right way and a wrong way of something so simple achat viagra tunisie.

When you go to shake someone’s hand, take notice where your hand is being placed. If your hand is positioned on top this means either you or the person shaking your hand thinks that you are better than them. If you are positioned on the bottom, it means you or the person feels that you are the lesser of the two. Make sure your hands are parallel; this shows that you both are equal.

Next step, allow them to grip your hand first, if someone shakes your hand softly, this means you should speak to him or her softly, if it is firm, speak to him or her with more authority.

Communication through a handshake is very powerful and it is one of the three key elements in getting to know who it is you are speaking with and it is YOUR first point of identifying with this person and making yourself known!

And the other key element to your first meet and greet is strong eye contact. And the third is your smile. When you introduce yourself, make sure you look directly into their eyes, smile and have constant eye contact. Wandering eyes is a dead giveaway for lack of confidence and/or respect.

I know for me, applying these three key components together, have made a huge difference in my life. I now have more friends in many new places. The outreach has created fun relationships for both business and personal. I am associating with more people than ever before. More doors are opening up for me and I am so happy I found a solution to building new relationships no matter where I go all over the world. A handshake, eye contact, and a smile are all a part of our universal languages, everyone understands!

I happily hope this Happiness Jungle Tip helps you develop the new relationships in your life that you are desiring.

{{hugs & Happiness}}


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